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The support system your team needs

Learn how our training program can help your staff become confident and independent teaching ELOP programs

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Learn Techniques

We teach proven techniques on how to conduct engaging hands-on labs. Staff learns how to teach ELOP programs and basic classroom management and strategies.

Receive Support

Your staff can have access to a team of experienced ELOP trainers in a monthly meeting to teach the best tecniques for their classroom. Between sessions, we are also available for questions and support, so your team does not have to do venture into ELOP alone. 

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Build Competency

Staff experience how to teach and learn the tools on their own. We are focused on building competency for your team so they are empowered and can independently teach after school for years to come. 

What is the Training Program?

Our training program will be the ramp up step that your team needs to provide the best ELOP experience for your students. Our training is centered on getting your staff comfortable with teaching hands on. We have experienced staff who have ran ELOP programs, which allows us to not only teach your team about our tools and technologies, but also provide group management strategies and the best tips on running effective after school programs. Any educator can benefit from this training!

Ready to get started?

Sign up to unlock the best support to creating a successful ELOP program in your school!

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©2024 by STEMTaught Expanded Learning Program. 

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