Summer Camp Scientist
Materials List

K-3 Materials
Big pack of chalk
Black and white construction paper (1 each per student)
White crayons (1 per student)
Blue and white tempera paint
Perishable Materials
Air-dry clay recipe: Recipe makes enough for 4-6 students
1 cup cornstarch
1/2 cup flour
1 tablespoon white vinegar
1 teaspoon lotion
1 tablespoon baby oil
1/2 cup to 3/4 cup Elmer's glue
4-8 Materials
Big pack of chalk
Black and white construction paper (1 each per student)
White crayons (1 per student)
Blue and white tempera paint
Toby tweezers (1 per student)
Petri dish (1 per student)
Microfossil sediment
Microscopes (1 per student/pair)
K-3 Materials
12” x 12” Construction paper (or similar size) (1 per student)
Paint (different shades of blue, green, and white)
Paper plates (1 per student)
Plastic knives (1 per student)
Kea Crate Supplies
Crayons (1 per student)
Bins/water tables/baby pools
Plastic aquatic animals
School sports supplies - see game
Perishable Materials
Graham crackers (2 per student)
Frosting with blue food coloring (enough for all students)
Goldfish crackers/gummy shark/teddy grahams (3 per student)
Lettuce (1 head)
Density Experiment:
Salt, grapes, sliced potato, sliced apple, rice, beans, pasta shells
4-8 Materials
12”x12” paper
Paint (different shades of blue, green, and white)
Paint brushes (different sizes)
Paper plates (1 per student)
Plastic knives (1 per student)
Kea Crate supplies
Crayons (1 per student)
School sports supplies - see game
Perishable Materials
Graham crackers (2 per student)
Frosting with blue food coloring (enough for all students)
Goldfish crackers/gummy shark/teddy grahams (3 per student)
Lettuce (1 head)
Density Experiment:
Salt, grapes, sliced potato, sliced apple, rice, beans, pasta shells
K-3 Materials
Large pasta shells or real shells
Air dry clay, play dough, or clay
Tooth picks
Paper or pasta sea shells
Perishable Materials
Large pasta shells
4-8 Materials
Meeka microscope
Pond water
Pippi pipetes
Petri dishes
Large pasta shells or real shells
Air dry clay, play dough, or clay
Tooth picks
Perishable Materials
Large pasta shells
K-3 Materials
Crayons, markers, or oil pastels
Bamboo poles
Kea crate lab tools
Buckets of water
4-8 Materials
Crayons, markers, or oil pastels
Robots (1 per student)
Remote controls (1 per student)
Magnets (1 per animal card)
Paper clips (1 per student)
Why Bricks
Trays (1 per student)
Ocean animal pictures (multiple for each student)
Buckets of water
K-3 Materials
Paper plates for fuse beads (1 per student)
Fuse beads
Peg boards
Tweezers from Kea (1 per student)
Iron (only for leaders)
Bead idea sheets (1 per table)
Blocks or Legos
Sea animal fuse bead creations from the last activity
4-8 Materials
Paper plates for fuse beads (1 per student)
Fuse beads
Peg boards
Tweezers from Kea (1 per student)
Iron (only for leaders)
Bead idea sheets (1 per table)
Microscopes (1 per student)
Coral samples (1 per student)
Petri dishes (1 per student)
K-3 Materials
Tin Foil (1 piece per student)
Bar magnets (1 per student)
Bins of water
Horseshoe Magnets (several)
Push pin magnets (several)
Bar Magnets (several)
Ball Magnets (several)
Straws (several)
Magnet building toys
Building Barbs (several)
Kea crate supplies (1 per student)
Ziploc bags (several)
Borax powder (1 tsp per student)
School glue (1 per student)
Perishable Materials
Food coloring
4-8 Materials
Tin Foil (1 piece per student)
Bar magnets (1 per student)
Bins of water
Balloons (1 per student)
Hex nuts (several)
Thick paper plates
Kea crate supplies
Ziploc bags (1 per student)
Borax powder (1 tsp per student)
School glue (1 per student)
Perishable Materials
Food coloring
K-3 Materials
Neodymium (strong) magnets
Rulers (metal is best, but you can tape a magnet to the bottom of a wooden ruler if needed)
Hex nuts
Suggested materials: Pipe cleaners, paper clips, Legos, pencil, spoon, eraser, hot wheels car, key, coin, scissors, nail, clothespin, button, water bottle, etc.
Robots (1 per student)
Shoe boxes (1 per student)
String (1 per student)
Magnets (1 per student)
Paper clips (1 per student)
Perishable Materials
Optional- candy
4-8 Materials
Balloons (1 per student)
Magnets (Various types)
Shoe boxes (1 per student)
String (1 per student)
Magnets (1 per student)
Paper clips (1 per student)
Perishable Materials
Optional: Pepper, spices
K-3 Materials
Colored pompoms, white pompoms, or wadded-up pieces of paper
Balls of various weights and sizes
Watercolors (1 per student)
Assorted paintbrushes
Tinkering Supplies such as: Craft sticks, straws, rubber bands, paper clips, pipe cleaners, cups, yarn, building barbs, straws
Boxes (several)
Butcher paper
Recyclables (several)
Building Bricks
4-8 Materials
Colored pompoms, white pompoms, or wadded-up pieces of paper
Balls of various weights and sizes
Robots (1 per student)
Chromebooks (1 per student)
Tinkering Supplies such as: Craft sticks, straws, rubber bands, paper clips, pipe cleaners, cups, yarn, building barbs, straws
Boxes (several)
Butcher paper
Recyclables (several)
Building Bricks
Perishable Materials
Optional- candy
K-3 Materials
Tedros test tubes
Plates (1 per student)
Trays and bowls
Spoons/forks Toothpicks (for each student)
Plastic knives (1 per student)
Boxes (several)
Butcher paper
Recyclables (several)
Building Bricks
Perishable Materials
Almond butter or cream cheese
Sliced apples Cucumbers Oranges
Grape tomatoes
4-8 Materials
Tedros test tubes
Plates (1 per student)
Trays and bowls
Spoons/forks Toothpicks (for each student)
Plastic knives (1 per student)
Boxes (several)
Butcher paper
Recyclables (several)
Building Bricks
Perishable Materials
Almond butter or cream cheese
Sliced apples Cucumbers Oranges
Grape tomatoes
K-3 Materials
Butcher paper
Building Bricks
Refer to the "Water Games Printable" document for materials
4-8 Materials
Butcher paper
Building Bricks
Refer to the "Water Games Printable" document for materials
K-3 Materials
Clear cups (1 per group)
Measuring tools (from Kea)
Cups (1 per student)
Spoons (1 per student)
Bowls (for sugar)
Balloon or beach ball
Perishable Materials
Colored marshmallows (1 serving per student)
Chocolate chips (1 serving per student)
Vegetable oil (1 cup per group)
Food coloring mixed with water (Use enough food color to make the water vibrant!)
Alka Seltzer denture cleaner tablet (2 per group)
Club soda (1 serving per student)
Sugar (1 serving per student)
Root Beer extract (1 serving per student)
Vanilla ice cream (1 serving per student)
2 liter root beer (1 serving per student, as back up)
4-8 Materials
Clear cups (1 per group)
Measuring tools (from Kea)
Cups (1 per student)
Spoons (1 per student)
Bowls (for sugar)
Balloon or beach ball
Perishable Materials
Colored marshmallows (1 serving per student)
Chocolate chips (1 serving per student)
Vegetable oil (1 cup per group)
Food coloring mixed with water (Use enough food color to make the water vibrant!)
Alka Seltzer denture cleaner tablet (2 per group)
Club soda (1 serving per student)
Sugar (1 serving per student)
Root Beer extract (1 serving per student)
Vanilla ice cream (1 serving per student)
2 liter root beer (1 serving per student, as back up)
K-3 Materials
Tedros Test Tubes
Trays or paper plates
Cotton swabs (1-2 per student)
Rubbing alcohol (1/2 cup)
Wide paintbrushes
Ping-pong balls
Perishable Materials
Brown rice (to fill test tubes)
White rice (a few grains/test tube)
Baking soda (1 TBSP)
Turmeric (1 TSP)
4-8 Materials
Tedros Test Tubes (1 per group)
Trays (1 per group)
Cotton swabs (1-2 per student)
Rubbing alcohol (1/2 cup)
Wide paintbrushes
Robots (1 per student)
Chrome Book or laptop (1 per student)
TV Remote control (*Optional)
6-8 Robotics Maze Mats
Ping-pong balls
Perishable Materials
Brown rice (to fill test tubes)
White rice (A few grains/test tube)
Baking soda (1 TBSP)
Turmeric (1 tsp)
K-3 Materials
Paper cups, 3oz (1 per student)
Paper bowls (5 per group of 8)
Bowls for mixing (1 per group of 8)
Spoons (5 per group of 8)
Whisks or big spoons (1 per group of 8)
Popsicle sticks (1 per student)
Tedros test tubes (1 per student)
Graduated cylinders (Kea crate)
Black craft paper
White washable paint
Cotton swabs (10 per student)
Small colored pom poms (80 pc)
Perishable Materials
Vanilla pudding
Food coloring
4-8 Materials
Paper cups, 3oz (1 per student)
Paper bowls (5 per group of 8)
Bowls for mixing (1 per group of 8)
Spoons (5 per group of 8)
Whisks or big spoons (1 per group of 8)
Popsicle sticks (1 per student)
Tedros test tubes (1 per student)
Graduated cylinders (Kea crate)
Black craft paper
White washable paint
Cotton swabs (10 per student)
Small colored pom poms (80 pc)
Perishable Materials
Vanilla pudding
Food coloring
K-3 Materials
Bell or buzzer
Sheet/large towels
Roll of streamers
Glue stick
Hole punch dots or sticky dots
Red washable marker
Wet paper towels
Notes with injuries
Fuse beads Pegboard trays
Parchment paper (this can be used over and over)
Patterns for ideas
Optional: Yarn, cord, or thin ribbon
Refer to the "Water Games Printable" document for materials
4-8 Materials
Bell or buzzer
Sheet/large towels
Roll of streamers
Glue stick
Hole punch dots or sticky dots
Red washable marker
Wet paper towels
Notes with injuries
Fuse beads Pegboard trays
Parchment paper (this can be used over and over)
Optional: Yarn, cord, or thin ribbon
Refer to the "Water Games Printable" document for materials
K-3 Materials
Test tubes (1 per student)
Petri dishes (1 per student)
Tobey Tweezers (1 per student)
Microscopes (1 per student)
12x18” or large construction paper (1 per student)
Burlap (1 piece per student)
Embroidery needles (1 per student)
Embroidery floss
4-8 Materials
Test tubes (1 per student)
Petri dishes (1 per student)
Tobey Tweezers (1 per student)
Microscopes (1 per student)
Robots (1 per student)
8-10 Robot Mats
Bamboo trays or plates (1 per student)
Muslin fabric (2 pieces per student)
Dull Embroidery needles (1 per student)
Embroidery floss
K-3 Materials
Robots (1 per student)
8-10 Robot Mats
Bamboo trays or plates (1 per student)
*Optional- Microscopes (1 per student)
Burlap (1 per student)
Embroidery needles (1 per student)
Embroidery floss
Fake banana (or other item to represent food)
Paper plates (1 per student)
Marbles (10 marbles)
4-8 Materials
Microscopes (1 per student)
Felt or fabric (2 pieces per student)
Embroidery needles (1 per student)
Embroidery floss
Stacking cups
Tennis ball or small ball
6-inch squares of construction paper
Small ball or item
K-3 Materials
Tedros test tubes (1 per student)
Petri dishes (1 per student)
Tobey tweezers (1 per student)
Optional: Microscopes (1 per student)
Cardstock 8 ½ x 11”, cut in half (1 per student)
String/yarn (1 per student)
4-8 Materials
Robots (1 per student)
Why Bricks or Lego’s
8-10 Delightful Doodle Mats or use large pieces of paper
Erasable markers (1 per student)
Rubber bands (1 per student)
Butcher paper, sheets or tablecloths to protect the floor
K-3 Materials
Hula hoops
Long rope or jump ropes
Tent bungees
2 Kea Crates
Graduated cylinders (1 per group)
Scoopy spoon (1 per student)
Toothpicks (1 per student)
Paper plates
Parchment paper
Perishable Materials
Grapes (1 serving per student)
Raspberry jello (1 box per class)
Berry blue jello (1 box per class)
Orange jello (1 box per class)
Lime jello (1 box per class)
Lemon jello (1 box per class)
4-8 Materials
Tedros test tubes
Petri dishes
Tobey tweezers
Fuse beads Pegboard trays
Graduated cylinders
Scoopy spoon
Paper plates
Parchment paper
Optional: Yarn, cord, or thin ribbon
Perishable Materials
Grapes (1 serving per student)
Raspberry jello (1 box per class)
Berry blue jello (1 box per class)
Orange jello (1 box per class)
Lime jello (1 box per class)
Lemon jello (1 box per class)
K-3 Materials
Green streamers
Robots (1 per student)
Why Bricks
8-10 Delightful Doodle Mats
Erasable markers (1 per student)
Rubber bands (1 per student)
EDSketch Bricks (1 per student)
TV Remote Controls (1 per student)
Butcher paper, sheets, or tablecloths to protect the floor
Refer to the "Water Games Printable" document for materials
Perishable Materials
Chocolate and/or vanilla ice cream (1 serving per student)
Cones (1 per student. Have extra, some are usually broken)
Vanilla wafers (3 per student)
Candy eyes (2 per student)
Edible markers
4-8 Materials
Green streamers
Tent bungees
2 Kea Crates
Refer to the "Water Games Printable" document for materials
Perishable Materials
Chocolate and/or vanilla ice cream (1 serving per student)
Cones (1 per student. Have extra, some are usually broken)
Vanilla wafers (3 per student)
Candy eyes (2 per student)
Edible markers